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“A Latinx Hosted Event” — Mobile App.

The purpose of this platform is to create an out of the box festival that raises awareness to #SupportLocal by combining music, cuisine and fine arts that showcase Latin American creatives.

Consumerism in the 2020 is focused on imported goods and domestic brands. Young entrepreneurs and artists are not looking for local options when creating their own personal businesses.

The goal is to bring the Latin American Tourism’s Initiative, “#SupportLocal” working properly through the strategic foundation, advertising strategies and incentivizing the target audience to participate in this activation. The objective is to: Raise awareness in the quality of local products, Increment the clientele and economy of small business owners, Enhance the experience and diversity of the product inventory of large local businesses and create collaborations in a brand to brand and brand to client dynamic.


Photographs of Final Product


“We’re All Mama’s Boy“ — PR Package.

The purpose of “We’re all Mama’s Boy“ discography package is to relaunch the presence of the artist group after a 2 year break from music in 2018 and introducing their new album “Mama’s Boy“ through the use of influencer marketing, publication design and print advertising.

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LANY is an American pop band from Los Angeles. The band consists of Paul Jason Klein, Charles Leslie "Les" Priest, and Jake Clifford Goss. Although artists who take a hiatus usually find more successes when they come back, these artists struggle to find a strategy to reintroduce themselves in the market.

“Mama’s Boy” PR Package consists on coming “home“ and re-connecting with LANY’s roots. The objective is to: Enhance collaborations within the musical group by sending the proposal to past featured artists as well as future potential collaborators, Expand the target audience by boosting on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to increase clientele and optimize sales by introducing the “ILYSB” tour within the market.

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“Made to read and give away“ — Sustainable Magazine.

Dacía, the first ever sustainable print magazine. Dacía believes in creating experiences that make issues rather than creating issues that make experiences. Made from Thailand-based Elephant paper, Dacía’s vision is to "show the audience experiences so unique and unknown, that they pass it on to the next person and live it together.“ All Dacía magazines have a letter in the last page that says “you’re done here, give this issue to someone who needs to read this“.

The objective of this concept is to: Reduce the use of paper by multiplying the set of eyes with half of the product, incentivize sustainability and going green by using Elephant paper to create magazines and raise awareness of the hidden gems in Asia Pacific by highlighting safe and unique ways to experience Thailand.

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Dacía Issues from left to right: Wild Sight Seeing, Natural Reserve, Elephant Sanctuaries.

Dacía Issues from left to right: Wild Sight Seeing, Natural Reserve, Elephant Sanctuaries.

“Mona” Digital Illustration

“Quisqueya la Bella“ — Digital Illustration.

Born in the Dominican Republic, “La Muñeca Sin Rostro“ is the essence of handmade craft in the Dominican culture. Born in the 80s and created in Moca, Dominican Republic La Muñeca Sin Rostro represents miscegenation that characterizes Dominicans, that mixture of cultures that for years shaped, as molded in clay, the “Dominicanness”. This digital illustration mixes the history of Dominican Republic and the implementation of new innovative technologies to push the design strategies to new horizons.

“Mona” Digital Illustration


A “Sip” of Memory Lane — Collectors Package.

A catalyst for social interaction and inspired innovation. Coca-Cola remembers their roots in a “limited edition“ package. The purpose of this limited edition package is to cater dedicated Coca-Cola collectors to acquire for their display. Throughout the years, Coca-Cola collectibles are created, replicated and sold worldwide from exclusive stores to auctions as well as your local thrift shop.

Coca-Cola is a brand that goes beyond their formula, they believe in the loyalty and values behind their reason to believe and creating a multi-cultural family all across the globe.

The objective with the die-line design, package design and physical construction of the product is to: Increase brand loyalty by providing a unique product for the audience, impulse sales by offering a unique, limited product to acquire, cater to professional and new collectors of brand products and connecting with the audience beyond the initial product offering.

Studio Photographs of Final Product

Studio Photographs of Final Product

Coca Cola Die-Line Design

Coca Cola Die-Line Design